Filed Under Virginia City

Frank Prasch Blacksmith Shop

Virginia City National Historic Landmark District

Like the blacksmith shop next door, this early building was probably a dance hall or saloon in the mid-1860s run by owner John Trollman. In 1865, Trollman was one of Virginia City’s seventy-three licensed retail liquor dealers. By the 1870s, a larger door and higher roof had been added to accommodate Frank Prasch and Fred Kohls’ blacksmith shop. Prasch operated the shop until about 1914, then sold out to Louis Romey, who continued until 1946. The building, in near ruin, was rescued by the Historic Landmark Society of Montana. With funds donated by C. A. Bovey, its false front was rebuilt using vintage board and square nails.


Frank Prasch Blacksmith Shop/Sauerbier Blacksmith Shop, Virginia City, MT
Frank Prasch Blacksmith Shop/Sauerbier Blacksmith Shop, Virginia City, MT View looking south at Frank Prasch Blacksmith Shop on left and Sauerbier Blacksmith Shop on right Source: National Historic Landmark nomination form for Viriginia City. From an inventory report compiled by Olaf Hagen, U.S. Forest Service Region 2, 1937. On file at the Montana State Historic Preservation Office and the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, D. C. Creator: W. R. Rankin, photographer Date: Sept 1937
Frank Prasch Blacksmith Shop, Virginia City
Frank Prasch Blacksmith Shop, Virginia City View looking south at building facade Source: Courtesy of Montana Heritage Commission Creator: Kate Steeley, Montana Heritage Commission Date: Oct 2019


326 West Wallace Street, Virginia City, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “Frank Prasch Blacksmith Shop,” Historic Montana, accessed September 19, 2024,