Filed Under Helena

Kleinschmidt House

Prussian-born entrepreneur Theodore H. Kleinschmidt was 25 years old when he arrived in the gold camp of Virginia City, Montana, in 1864 with a mule team and a stock of merchandise. Only two years later, he and Samuel Hauser opened the First National Bank of Helena in a local grocery store. Kleinschmidt became one of the town’s leading financiers, with interests in public utility companies, banks, merchandising, mining, and livestock ranching around Montana Territory. He served three terms as mayor of Helena, was president of the Helena Board of Trade, director of the state fair association, and treasurer of the Society of Montana Pioneers. He built this home for his wife, Mary Blattner Kleinschmidt, and their six children in 1892. The location then was notably east of town, at a time when stylish mansions were clustered on Helena’s west side. When Mrs. Kleinschmidt died in 1904, her funeral was held here, with mourners transported by special trolley car. The home was designed by Montana pioneer W. E. Norris, born on the plains en route to Montana. In it, Norris proves his advertising claim, “Fine Residences a Specialty,” combining dignified lines with Victorian gingerbread touches.


Theodore Kleinschmidt House
Theodore Kleinschmidt House View from north side of Highland Avenue looking south at Kleinschmidt House facade Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office, Helena, MT. Creator: Pete Brown, photographer Date: Feb 2020
Theodore Kleinschmidt House
Theodore Kleinschmidt House View from Highland Avenue looking southeast at Kleinschmidt House facade Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office, Helena, MT. Creator: Pete Brown, photographer Date: February 2020
Theodore Kleinschmidt House
Theodore Kleinschmidt House View looking southwest along Highland Ave at T. Kleinschmidt House. Carriage house at left. Source: National Register of Historic Places nomination form for Theodore Kleinschmidt House. On file at Montana State Historic Preservation Office, Helena, MT. Creator: Montana State Historic Preservation Office, Helena Date: ca. 1980
Kleinschmidt House carriage house
Kleinschmidt House carriage house View looking northwest from alley at Kleinschmidt House carriage house. Source: National Register of Historic Places Nomination form for Theodore Kleinschmidt House, Helena, MT. On file at Montana State Historic Preservation Office. Creator: Montana State Historic Preservation Office, Helena, MT Date: ca. 1980
Kleinschmidt House hen house
Kleinschmidt House hen house View looking south at Kleinschmidt House hen house. Source: National Register of Historic Places Nomination form for Theodore Kleinschmidt House, Helena, MT. On file at Montana State Historic Preservation Office. Creator: Montana State Historic Preservation Office, Helena, MT Date: ca. 1980


1823 Highland Avenue, Helena, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “Kleinschmidt House,” Historic Montana, accessed September 19, 2024,