Filed Under Havre


Fort Assinniboine Historic District

The post’s first library was relegated to a small space at the back of the Signal Corps office, but in 1888-89 the military spent $1,409.13 to build a one-story, brick, hipped-roof library with multiple wings. A visiting Helena reporter called the resulting structure “not especially artistic without, but very comfortable within.” Between 1892 and 1911 the library doubled as a post office. Mail arrived via stagecoach from Fort Benton tri-weekly, providing a tangible connection to family and friends. In combination with the chapel/school, officers encouraged (and later required) unschooled enlisted men to attend classes and to visit the library after their work was done. Officers also spent time in the library studying military manuals as they upgraded their training through a program coordinated by Fort Leavenworth. In addition, the library carried thirty-three newspapers and fifteen magazines. When officers were transferred from the fort, they typically donated books and even furniture to the library, whose collection eventually contained over a thousand volumes. Checkers and chess sets were also available. In 1941, the building’s interior was completely remodeled, removing all signs of its former use.


Library Library. Front to side view of the building, facing south to southwest from the circle that rounds the front entry of the library off of Fort Circle. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Becki Miller Date: Oct. 2015- June 2016
Library Library. Rear to side view of the building, facing northeast from the back lawn area of the structure near the entry road leading in from Fort Circle. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Becki Miller Date: Oct. 2015- June 2016


County Road 82nd Avenue West, .5 miles southeast of US 87, Havre, Montana | Public


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “Library,” Historic Montana, accessed September 18, 2024,