Filed Under Whitefish

Ray E. Taylor House

After working as a chauffeur for the entrepreneurial Conrad family of Kalispell, Ray E. Taylor moved to Whitefish in the 1920s and operated a bus service between Whitefish and Kalispell for many years. Taylor demonstrated great skill as a vernacular architect and craftsman in this house especially, and in several other Whitefish buildings. He designed “The Castle,” as this home came to be called during construction, and did most of the work himself from 1929 to 1931. The stone work, including interior fireplaces and the exterior skirting, was done by local stone mason C. C. McArthur, a master at his trade, utilizing locally collected stone. Taylor’s design is predominantly Tudor Revival styling, with massive chimneys, steeply pitched roof and cross gables, large end-wall parapets, and crenellated dormers. To support the extensive stone work of the main and upper floor fireplaces and the three-story chimney tower, Taylor ingeniously used a pair of railroad tracks running more than nineteen feet under the tower. The builder lived here only six years, using the first floor and renting the second, before selling the house to Dr. John B. Simons.


Ray E. Taylor House
Ray E. Taylor House Ray E. Taylor House. Front view of the house, facing east. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Photographer unidentified Date: Date unknown
Ray E. Taylor House
Ray E. Taylor House Ray E. Taylor House. Rear to side view of the house, facing west on Baker Avenue. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Jim Egan Date: 1989
Ray E. Taylor House
Ray E. Taylor House Ray E. Taylor House. Side view of the house, facing north from the driveway off of Baker Avenue. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Jim Egan Date: 1989
Ray E. Taylor House
Ray E. Taylor House Ray E. Taylor House. Side view of the house, facing south. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Jim Egan Date: 1989


900 South Baker Avenue, Whitefish, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “Ray E. Taylor House,” Historic Montana, accessed September 18, 2024,