Filed Under Kalispell

Thierwechter / Kramer House

The Queen Anne style is nowhere better represented than in this charming two-story home built for newlyweds William and Nellie Thierwechter in 1901. The couple spent the first months of their marriage living across the street with Nellie’s carpenter father, George Kirk, while this residence was under construction. Scottish-born Kirk, one of Kalispell’s earliest settlers, undoubtedly applied his considerable talents to the construction of his daughter’s home and then lived with her until his death in 1908. Thierwechter, a locomotive engineer, was seriously injured in a railroad collision in 1906. His subsequent business ventures included a saloon, a grocery, and an automobile stage, run between Kalispell and Somers. In 1924, Cornelia Long purchased the home and lived here with her daughter and son-in-law Lena and Walter Kramer. Kramer, a dealer in firewood, stabled his horses in a barn that stood on the property, and Lena kept an extensive backyard flower garden. During the Depression, the Kramers shared the home with their own three children and grandchildren as well. The residence features a cross-gabled plan, decorative wood shinglework, full-width porch, and corbeled brick chimney. Of special note are the Palladian window with its decorative wood surround and the semicircular arch in the front gable. In 1934, a fire of unknown origin burned the front porch, which was then rebuilt and enclosed. Architecturally significant and home to several generations of the Kramer family, this vintage residence has earned its prominent place among Kalispell’s historic buildings.


Thierwechter/Kramer House
Thierwechter/Kramer House Thierwechter/Kramer House (PAc 91-51 Kalispell R38 F14). Front to side view of the house, facing northeast on 4th Avenue West. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office from the Photograph Archives at the Montana Historical Society Creator: Kathy McKay Date: Dec. 1992
Thierwechter/Kramer House
Thierwechter/Kramer House Thierwechter/Kramer House (PAc 91-51 Kalispell R38 F15). Front view of the house, facing east on 4th Avenue West. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office from the Photograph Archives at the Montana Historical Society Creator: Kathy McKay Date: Dec. 1992
Thierwechter/Kramer House
Thierwechter/Kramer House Thierwechter/Kramer House (PAc 91-51 Kalispell R38 F17). Front to side view of the house, facing southeast on the corner of 4th Avenue West and 3rd Street West. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office from the Photograph Archives at the Montana Historical Society Creator: Kathy McKay Date: Dec. 1992
Thierwechter/Kramer House
Thierwechter/Kramer House Thierwechter/Kramer House (PAc 91-51 Kalispell R38 F18). Side to rear view of the house, facing southwest on 3rd Street West. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office from the Photograph Archives at the Montana Historical Society Creator: Kathy McKay Date: Dec. 1992


305 4th Avenue West, Kalispell, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “Thierwechter / Kramer House,” Historic Montana, accessed September 19, 2024,