Filed Under Kalispell

Weberg House

East Side Historic District

Carpenter William Williscroft owned, and possibly built, this one-story hipped-roof cottage between 1891 and 1897. He likely intended it as an investment property because by 1900 renters occupied the house. Sometime after 1950, owners replaced the full-length front porch, stuccoed the original brick veneer, and exchanged the one-and-one-half-story alley apartment for a two-car garage. Otherwise, the home looks much as it did at the end of the nineteenth century. Peter and Rena Weberg bought the home in 1906. The couple had arrived in Kalispell in 1898 and raised three children here, occasionally renting out a room “for the summer only,” perhaps to tourists attracted to the area by Glacier National Park. In 1916, Peter­ became city treasurer. He was reelected to that position for twenty-nine years, until his death at age eighty-five. Rena was an early member and president of the Ladies Aid of Bethlehem Lutheran Church and an active member of the Republican Women’s Club. She made her home here until three years before her death in 1966 at age ninety-three.


Weberg House
Weberg House Weberg House. Front to side view of the house, facing northeast near the corner of 5th Avenue East and 4th Street East. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Photographer unidentified Date: Oct. 1980


329 5th Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “Weberg House,” Historic Montana, accessed September 19, 2024,