Filed Under Hamilton

Dowling/Howe Home

Hamilton Southside Residential Historic District

In 1910, George K. Dick—Ravalli County Bank assistant clerk—built this Queen Anne Free Classic style home, which the Ravalli Republic called “one of the best residence properties in Hamilton.” Characteristic features include the projecting gable end, corner boards, and cutaway bay window. Local undertaker John C. Wagner purchased the home in 1915. He soon sold it and his business to John W. Dowling Jr., founder of the Dowling Funeral Home that served Hamilton residents for over a century. An avid sportsman, John led the Hamilton Sportsmen’s Club; his wife Mabel could reportedly “beat [most men] a city block at deer hunting.” In 1926, Dowling bought Marcus Daly’s former in-town mansion and later the Bitter Root Valley Irrigation office to function as his residence and funeral home. John G. Howe, touted as one of the “most successful creamery operators in the west,” purchased the residence in 1927. He managed the Bitter Root Ravalli Dairy Products Company until 1933 when he resigned to pursue his twenty-year dream of opening his own creamery. Howe’s Creamery churned out award-winning cheese, butter, and ice cream for forty-nine years.


Dowling/Howe Home
Dowling/Howe Home Google Maps photo of front of Dowling/Howe Home. Source: Google Maps Link Creator: Google Date: 2022
"Matron Killed Deer"
"Matron Killed Deer" Article in the Ravalli Republic. Source: Access articles through the MTHS Portal Creator: Ravalli Republic Date: 2 October, 1925
"City Block Bought for Funeral Home"
"City Block Bought for Funeral Home" Article from the Ravalli Republic. Source: Access articles through the MTHS Portal Creator: Ravalli Republic Date: 23 July, 1926
"John G. Howe to Build Creamery"
"John G. Howe to Build Creamery" Article from the North West Tribune. Source: Access articles through the MTHS Portal Creator: North West Tribune Date: 27 April, 1933
"Congratulations to John G. Howe"
"Congratulations to John G. Howe" Article from The Western News. Source: Access articles through the MTHS Portal Creator: The Western News Date: 15 June, 1933
"J. G. Howe Opens New Creamery in Hamilton"
"J. G. Howe Opens New Creamery in Hamilton" Article in The Western News. Source: Access articles through the MTHS Portal Creator: The Western News Date: 15 June, 1933


623 South Fourth Street, Hamilton, MT | private


Montana Historical Society, “Dowling/Howe Home,” Historic Montana, accessed September 18, 2024,