Filed Under Missoula

804 Monroe

Lower Rattlesnake Historic District

Missoula architect A. J. Gibson, known for civic buildings like the Missoula County Courthouse and grand residences like the Daly Mansion in Hamilton, also designed smaller homes. The populist architect believed that all Americans deserved high-quality homes built “with a view to convenience and economy.” Gibson designed this house for Charles and Alice Owen. Like many of Gibson’s homes, this one features a standard Queen Anne style floor plan. The balustrade topping the front porch and stone foundation are Gibson trademarks. He also incorporated Colonial Revival style elements, including porch columns and exaggerated pediments on the dormers. Bricklayer and contractor Charles Owen built this house circa 1902 and at least three other dwellings in the 700 and 800 blocks of Monroe. In 1908, the Owens sold the residence to Harry H. and Mary Gilbert Hughes. The Hughes family owned the Hughes Gardens, a truck-farm business near Hell Gate Canyon that contributed to Missoula’s reputation as the “Garden City.” It operated from 1909 to 1971. In the early days, Hughes Gardens sold vegetables to Garnet and Philipsburg; later they sold vegetables as far as Billings.


804 Monroe, Missoula, MT
804 Monroe, Missoula, MT View of front facade Creator: Jeremy Crowley, photographer Date: June 2020


804 Monroe, Missoula, MT | private


Montana National Register Sign Program, “804 Monroe,” Historic Montana, accessed September 18, 2024,