Filed Under Anaconda

413 East Eighth Street

Goosetown Historic District

Edward Kelly Sr. was an experienced ore miner who put his skills to work building this foursquare style secondary residence. Kelly and his wife Margaret, both Irish immigrants, settled in the house next door in 1912. He set to work building this second house, cutting the granite foundation by hand out of local stone. Its bold appearance recalls the walls of a medieval fortress. The brick residence features Chicago “three-over-one” style windows typical of the 1910s. Original doors and other detailing remain in place. According to family lore, Kelly and his sons were involved in the moonshine business during Prohibition. The Kelly boys were famous for their driving skills and fast cars, necessary when the revenue officer was on their heels. Legend has it that a “smuggling tunnel” runs beneath the property. Shards of glass from bottles of moonshine litter the hills behind the house, lending credence to the tales old timers tell. They recall lounging on the hills with their bottles of Kelly’s libations, watching the lights of the city.


413 East Eighth Street
413 East Eighth Street 413 East Eighth Street. Front to side view of the house, facing south near East 8th Street. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Kim Morrison Date: May 1994


413 East 8th Street, Anaconda, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “413 East Eighth Street,” Historic Montana, accessed September 19, 2024,