Filed Under Anaconda

Furst Block

Anaconda Commercial Historic District

French immigrant and wealthy Deer Lodge Valley dairyman John Furst built this brick store and boardinghouse for $5,000 in 1895. Just steps away from Marcus Daly’s new bank and the fine Montana Hotel, the Furst Block fit in well amongst its high-style neighbors. The original street-level façade was richly decorated with cast-iron pilasters (still visible on the right and left). The well-preserved second story still reflects the type of elaborately patterned brickwork fashionable at the time. The J. T. Carroll Company, lumber manufacturers and dealers, and the Anaconda Business College were early first-floor tenants. Upstairs, Mrs. Radefeld let the rooms to “first-class gentleman.” Around 1900, Furst added a large two-story rear addition. While the first floor continued to house retail businesses, the second floor attracted non-traditional professionals. Tenants between 1900 and 1906 included astrologer Alexis Pfuhl, clairvoyants Madame Bell and Madame Yeteva, magnetic healer John Burtscher, and female osteopath Dr. Adele Allison. One of two licensed female doctors in town, Allison practiced medicine until her death in 1910. Goodfriend’s Clothing Company, a menswear store, occupied both storefronts from 1905 until the early 1930s.


Furst Block
Furst Block Furst Block. Front to side view of the building, facing south to southeast on East Park Avenue. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Meredith Hamm Date: July 1994
Furst Block
Furst Block Furst Block. Front view of the building, facing south to southwest on East Park Avenue. Source: Montana Historical Society Creator: Joe Furshong Date: July 2020
Furst Block
Furst Block Furst Block. Front to side view of the building, facing southeast on East Park Avenue. Source: Montana Historical Society Creator: Joe Furshong Date: July 2020


113 East Park Avenue, Anaconda, Montana | Public


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “Furst Block,” Historic Montana, accessed September 18, 2024,