Filed Under Miles City

Miles City Main Street Historic District

The Main Street historic district reveals Miles City’s major growth periods of 1882-1887, 1905-1920, and 1935-1940. The first of these began with the arrival of the Northern Pacific in 1881, when imposing brick business blocks began to replace the wooden, false-front buildings of the town’s beginnings. Architect Byron Vreeland designed many of these buildings, favoring the late-Victorian period vertical lines. This boom ended with the “Hard Winter of 1886-1887" that decimated range cattle herds, ruining stockmen and the businesses that served them. The second growth period was spurred by the arrival of the Chicago, St. Paul and Milwaukee Railroad in 1907 and by the homestead boom of the region, for which Miles City served as social and business center. Local architects Brynjulf and David Rivenes, and Charles S. Haire and John G. Link of Helena, now shaped downtown Miles City’s appearance, with light-colored, formal, and symmetrical designs. This growth period ended with the 1920's agricultural depression. As the subsequent Great Depression began to lift, Main Street again began to see new construction, with Art Deco and Moderne enriching the mixture of architectural styles.

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Miles City Main Street Historic District
Miles City Main Street Historic District Miles City Main Street Historic District. Street scene with many businesses clearly discernible, including a clothing store, bakery, tin shop, meat market, livery, and wholesale liquor store. "J. Basinski & Bros. Fancy Goods" sign prominent. Power poles to the side. Source: Montana History Portal Creator: Laton A. Huffman Date: 1885
Miles City Main Street Historic District
Miles City Main Street Historic District Miles City Main Street Historic District. Views of Miles City businesses. Restaurant, hardware store, clothing store, and saloon clearly discernible. Sign reading "Oyster Depot" and "I. Orschel & Bros." prominent. Chinese laundry visible in distance. Source: Montana History Portal Creator: Laton A. Huffman Date: 1888
Miles City Main Street Historic District
Miles City Main Street Historic District Miles City Main Street Historic District. Overview of the Bullard Block of the historic district with the 600 Café and the Montana Bar (Saloon) in the foreground, facing east on Main Street near the corner of Main and South 6th Street. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Susan McDaniel and Dena Sanford Date: January 1989
Miles City Main Street Historic District
Miles City Main Street Historic District Miles City Main Street Historic District. Overview of the 700 block of the historic district with Big Sky Pharmacy on the corner and the Main Street Grind further to the eastern half of the block, facing northeast on Main Street near the corner of Main and South 7th Street. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Susan McDaniel and Dena Sanford Date: January 1989
Miles City Main Street Historic District
Miles City Main Street Historic District Miles City Main Street Historic District. Front view of the Masonic Temple in Miles City, facing north on Main Street near the corner of Main and North 10th Street. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Susan McDaniel and Dena Sanford Date: January 1989
Miles City Main Street Historic District
Miles City Main Street Historic District Miles City Main Street Historic District. Overview of the 500 block of the historic district to include the Commercial Block and Bullard Block, facing north to northeast near the Olive Hotel. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Susan McDaniel and Dena Sanford Date: January 1989
Miles City Main Street Historic District
Miles City Main Street Historic District Miles City Main Street Historic District. Front view of the Montana Theatre, facing north on Main Street near the Masonic Temple. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Susan McDaniel and Dena Sanford Date: January 1989
Miles City Main Street Historic District
Miles City Main Street Historic District Miles City Main Street Historic District. Front to side view of the Miles City Carnegie Library near the Telephone Building, facing east to southeast on Main Street near the corner of Main and South 10th Street. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Susan McDaniel and Dena Sanford Date: January 1989
Miles City Main Street Historic District
Miles City Main Street Historic District Miles City Main Street Historic District. Front to side view of the Custer County Courthouse with the First Presbyterian Church to the left of the photograph, facing east on Main Street near the corner of Main and South 10th Street. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Susan McDaniel and Dena Sanford Date: January 1989
Miles City Main Street Historic District
Miles City Main Street Historic District Miles City Main Street Historic District. Overview of the historic district with a view of the First Presbyterian Church near the corner of Main Street and Montana Avenue. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Susan McDaniel and Dena Sanford Date: January 1989
Miles City Main Street Historic District
Miles City Main Street Historic District Miles City Main Street Historic District. View of the Leighton and Jordan Block on the 500 block of Main Street near Dr. Redd's Brick Building (to the east), facing east to southeast near the corner of Main Street and 5th Street in front of the Olive Hotel. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Susan McDaniel and Dena Sanford
Date: January 1989
Miles City Main Street Historic District
Miles City Main Street Historic District Miles City Main Street Historic District. View from the Foster Block at the Palace Hotel and the Federal Post Office, facing northeast on North 7th Street from Main Street. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Susan McDaniel and Dena Sanford Date: January 1989


Main Street, Miles City, Montana | Private/Public


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “Miles City Main Street Historic District,” Historic Montana, accessed September 18, 2024,