Filed Under Miles City

Stacy Residence

Miles City East Main Street Residential Historic District

Determined to bring the Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railroad to Miles City, land developer, cattleman, and banker Lorenzo Stacy organized his fellow businessmen to secure and donate property for the railroad’s right-of-way. In 1908, the Milwaukee Road arrived, rewarding their efforts; that same year Stacy hired local architect Brynjulf Rivenes to design an elegant, if isolated home on the eighty acres he owned at the edge of Miles City. Rivenes’ eclectic design featured such classical details as a monumental, two-story back porch (enclosed in the 1920s) and a balustraded front porch with a central one-story portico; its hipped dormers, wide eaves, and Spanish roof tiles reflected the newly fashionable Prairie style. The “commodious and attractive residence of modern architectural design” did not remain isolated for long. The Milwaukee Railroad delivered the predicted boom, and Stacy found a ready market for lots. By 1915, when Stacy sold land to the city for Wibaux Park, his house had been joined by many others, and East Main Street had become home to Miles City’s most fashionable residences.


Stacy Residence
Stacy Residence Stacy Residence. Front to side view of the house, facing south to southeast near the present-day intersection of East Main Street and North Strevell Avenue. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Photographer unidentified Date: Ca. 1915
Stacy Residence
Stacy Residence Stacy Residence. 1915 photograph from Buchanan's "See Miles City." B&W. Side view of the house, facing east to southeast on present-day Strevell Avenue. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Photographer unidentified Date: 1915
Stacy Residence
Stacy Residence Stacy Residence. Front view of the house, facing south to southwest on East Main Street. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Dena Sanford and Susan McDaniel Date: Mar. 1989
Stacy Residence
Stacy Residence Stacy Residence. Rear to side view of the house, facing northwest from the backyard of the residence. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Dena Sanford and Susan McDaniel Date: Mar. 1989


2206 Main Street, Miles City, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “Stacy Residence,” Historic Montana, accessed September 18, 2024,