Filed Under Havre

Double Cavalry Stable Guard and Shop Buildings

Fort Assinniboine Historic District

Between 1902 and 1905, the U.S. Department of War spent over a half million dollars modernizing and improving the fort’s infrastructure. The Havre newspaper hailed the investment as assuring “the permanency of Fort Assinniboine.” The improvements included the 1905 construction of these three brick duplexes by Great Falls contractors Frank Coombs and Duncan Bros. The single-story buildings boast two central brick chimneys with corbeled caps, decorative exposed rafter tips, and a full-width wood-frame porch. These buildings replaced the original cavalry guardhouse built in 1887. Within, each three-room duplex featured a guard room; a room for repairing tack and saddles; and a blacksmith shop. The men who lived in the duplexes guarded horses, watched for fire, and made simple repairs. The shops were never staffed to full capacity since only four companies of cavalry were stationed at the fort from 1905 to 1907. The shops only saw about two years of use; the last cavalry troops left the post in 1907 and in 1911 the fort closed for good.


Double Cavalry Stable Guard and Shop Buildings
Double Cavalry Stable Guard and Shop Buildings Double Cavalry Stable Guard and Shop Buildings. Front view of one of the three stable guard buildings, facing north to northwest near the middle building with a view of the only shop building still in existence on the fort grounds. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Becki Miller Date: Oct. 2015- June 2016
Double Cavalry Stable Guard and Shop Buildings
Double Cavalry Stable Guard and Shop Buildings Double Cavalry Stable Guard and Shop Buildings. Side view of one of the stable guard houses, facing northeast near the other stable guard houses in the field on the fort grounds. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Becki Miller Date: Oct. 2015- June 2016


County Road 82nd Avenue West, .5 mi. SE of US 87, Havre, Montana | Public


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “Double Cavalry Stable Guard and Shop Buildings,” Historic Montana, accessed September 18, 2024,