Filed Under Butte

923 West Mercury

Butte National Historic Landmark District

In 1896, W. Mead Hanson departed Utah for Butte with his wife, Nellie, and their children. Leaving his job as mail clerk for a short-gauge railroad, the thirty-two-year-old Mead opened a cigar store in the Lewishon Building in the heart of Uptown. By 1900, the family had purchased this home, then a duplex. The Hansons lived on one side and rented the other to machinist Timothy Martin and his family including his wife, sister-in-law, two children, and a nursemaid. Only one other residence stood on the block, even though developers had started selling lots ten years earlier; construction had only just begun on the massive Paul Clark Home across the street. By 1916, the Hansons had converted the duplex into a single-family home and neighbors on both sides crowded their one-story, hipped-roof, four-square cottage. The couple remained in residence until Mead—by then working as an insurance agent—died in 1932. An unusual two-story outhouse—on site throughout the Hansons’ residency—still stood behind the home in 1957, a surprising remnant of an earlier time.


923 West Mercury
923 West Mercury South East Elevation Source: Montana Historical Society Creator: Julian Boughton and Martha Kohl Date: July 2022
923 West Mercury
923 West Mercury 923 West Mercury (PAc 91-51 B2 RollLB10 F12). Front view of the house, facing north on West Mercury Street. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office from the Photograph Archives at the Montana Historical Society Creator: Linda Bell Date: 1984


923 West Mercury Street, Butte, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “923 West Mercury,” Historic Montana, accessed September 18, 2024,