Filed Under Butte

James H. Rowe Residence

Butte National Historic Landmark District

Butte real estate developer William V. Lawlor built this elegant home on speculation circa 1891. Hardware store owner Ras Rochester, who lived on this block, purchased the home from Lawlor in 1895. Neither of these early owners lived in the residence, however. James H. Rowe, who was in partnership with William Lawlor, moved into the home with his family in 1911. The longtime firm of Lawlor and Rowe dealt in real estate, fire insurance, and surety bonds. After her husband’s death, Mrs. Rowe remained here into the 1950s. The beautiful two-and-one-half-story Queen Anne style home features an unusual two-story octagonal front bay. Its pristine condition makes the Victorian-era home a particularly noteworthy component of this prestigious block of Broadway.


James Rowe Residence, Butte, MT
James Rowe Residence, Butte, MT View of facade Source: IPhone 8 image capture Creator: Martha Kohl, photographer Date: May 28, 2021


817 West Broadway, Butte, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “James H. Rowe Residence,” Historic Montana, accessed September 19, 2024,