Filed Under Butte

825 West Park

Butte National Historic Landmark District

The gables, porches, and elegant detailing of the Victorian-era homes along this picturesque block compose a neighborhood streetscape reminiscent of San Francisco. This distinguished example, built circa 1893, was once the exact twin of its next door neighbor. Attorney Joseph McCaffery, who owned the property in the 1920s, remodeled the front façade in 1922. Decorative window hoods set it apart from its neighbors while an elaborately corbeled chimney and richly patterned stained glass transom reflect vintage fashion. The Tuscan columns which support the porch are a feature particularly common to the homes along this block. Interior appointments include original cut glass chandeliers in the dining room and entry hall, parquet floors, and simple but refined fireplace and stairway finishings. Butte businessman James Canty, president of the Brownfield-Canty Carpet Company, lived in the home from 1897 to circa 1915. Canty’s business was one of the state’s largest dealers in furniture, carpets, stoves, and household furnishings.


825 West Park
825 West Park facade Source: Montana Historical Society Creator: Julian Boughton and Martha Kohl Date: July 2022
825 West Park
825 West Park 825 West Park (PAc 91-51 B3 RollJK10 F15). Front to side view of the house, facing north to northeast on West Park Street. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office from the Photograph Archives at the Montana Historical Society Creator: Jeff Kestle Date: 1984


825 West Park Street, Butte, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “825 West Park,” Historic Montana, accessed September 19, 2024,