Filed Under Butte

805 West Granite

Butte National Historic Landmark District

Architect J. Roy McGlauflin designed this Queen Anne style home in 1898 during Butte’s second building boom. Ornamental brackets beneath wide gable trim draw attention to the gable end, decorated with fish-scale shingles. McGlauflin placed the kitchen of this two-story home under a separate one-story roof, a common plan in the 1800s because it minimized fire risk. Bucket brigades could more easily reach a one-story roof, perhaps saving the rest of the house in case of a kitchen fire, such as the small one that occurred here in 1910. The stable that stood at the back of the lot in 1900 was converted into a garage by 1916. Stationary engineer Edward Neeley and his wife Petra moved from a modest hipped roof cottage in South Butte into this elegant clapboard residence in 1908. Edward did not have long to enjoy their new home; by 1910, Petra was widowed and supporting herself and two children by renting rooms and providing meals to a teacher and the owner of a retail grocery. Petra continued to operate her small boardinghouse until 1930.


805 W. Granite
805 W. Granite facade Source: Montana Historical Society Creator: Julian Boughton and Martha Kohl Date: July 2022
805 West Granite
805 West Granite 805 West Granite (PAc 91-51 B1 Roll22, F23). Front to side view of the house, facing north to northeast on West Granite Street. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office from the Photograph Archives at the Montana Historical Society Creator: Photographer unidentified Date: Sept. 1981
805 West Granite
805 West Granite 805 West Granite (PAc 91-51 B1 Roll22 F24). Front view of the house, facing north on West Granite Street. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office from the Photograph Archives at the Montana Historical Society Creator: Photographer unidentified Date: Sept. 1981


805 West Granite Street, Butte, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “805 West Granite,” Historic Montana, accessed September 19, 2024,