Filed Under Butte

919 Delaware

Butte National Historic Landmark District

Once part of a bustling urban neighborhood, the 900 block of Delaware accommodated four single family homes, six apartment buildings, and a corner store. Three buildings stood on this lot. With houses built so closely together, little light entered residences from the side windows. The beautiful bay windows that mark this brick home served a practical function: to let light in from the street. Typically, bay-fronted flats were divided into first- and second-floor apartments, but this brick residence, built in approximately 1901, seems always to have been a single family home. Miner, pumpman, and one-time shift boss in the Minnie Healy Mine John Coulter moved here with his wife Jennie and their three children shortly after the home’s construction. The family owned the house outright before John’s death at age fifty-one in 1910; the residence remained in the family until 1965. The Starins—Jack, an ironworker in the mining city, his wife, Willene, and their seven children—lived here from 1967 until 1995. Today the house stands alone on a large lot, its urban design a testimony to changes in the neighborhood.


919 Delaware
919 Delaware 919 Delaware (PAc RollJB01 F36). Front to side view of the house, facing southwest on Delaware Avenue as it turns to East Fremont Street near the corner of Delaware and East 2nd Street. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office from the Photograph Archives at the Montana Historical Society Creator: John Byrne Date: 1982
919 Delaware
919 Delaware 919 Delaware (PAc 91-51 B2 RollJB01 F37). Front view of the house, facing west to southwest on Delaware Avenue as it turns to East Fremont Street near the corner of Delaware and East 2nd Street. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office from the Photograph Archives at the Montana Historical Society Creator: John Byrne Date: 1982
919 Delaware
919 Delaware facade Creator: Bryan Baldwin Date: July 3, 2022


919 Delaware Avenue, Butte, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “919 Delaware,” Historic Montana, accessed September 19, 2024,