Filed Under Hamiliton

John Lagerquist Home

The transitional blend of Queen Anne and Classical Revival styles in this quietly elegant residence reveals the fine talents of its architect, builder and first owner. John Lagerquist, a native of Sweden, came to Butte in 1888, worked for the Anaconda Copper Mining Company, and came to Hamilton in 1891 in the employ of Marcus Daly. Though Lagerquist worked for Daly, even directing construction of the Daly home, he retained his professional independence, operating a lumber and contracting business in direct competition with Daly’s powerful Anaconda Copper Mining Company. Lagerquist’s meticulous craftsmanship is evident in many southside Hamilton residences, including this appealing northside home he built for himself circa 1907. A simple, rectangular floorplan and Doric columns are evidence of the newer Classical Revival style, while projecting bays and narrow lap siding reflect the Queen Anne style popular in the previous century. An exquisitely wrought scroll and spindle bracket detail in the peak of the gable and gable bays yields a perfect example of the eclectic Queen Anne ideal. A single-story wood-frame barn with hayloft doors, contemporary with the home and once common in Hamilton’s turn-of-the-twentieth-century neighborhoods, is today a fine and rare reminder of the era before the automobile.


John Lagerquist Home
John Lagerquist Home John Lagerquist Home (PAc 91-51 Hamilton R12 F21). Front to side view of the house, facing northwest on North 4th Street near the intersection of North 4th and Franklin Avenue. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office from the Photograph Archives at the Montana Historical Society Creator: Photographer unidentified Date: Aug. 1987


701 North 4th Street, Hamiliton, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “John Lagerquist Home,” Historic Montana, accessed September 18, 2024,