Filed Under Hamiliton

Daniel T. Goff Home

Hamilton experienced a flurry of activity related to the construction of the Big Ditch beginning in 1905. This heightened activity precipitated a building boom that extended to 1915, and residential neighborhoods began to assume their own identities, which mirrored contemporary architectural trends. One such trend was the transition from the ornate Queen Anne style of the 1890s to the newer, more staid Colonial Revival style. This residence provides an excellent example of the blending of features from the two styles. Working from a pattern book, the anonymous builder chose Colonial Revival elements such as Doric porch columns, narrow siding with cornerboards, and dentilated window hoods and eave returns to contrast with steeply pitched rooflines and a two-story half-hexagonal bay characteristic of the Queen Anne style. Other typical Queen Anne details include gable-end decorative shingles, a diamond-paned attic window, and a splendid stained glass panel. Built in 1910, Bitterroot Land and Development Company manager Daniel Goff owned the home until 1915. In 1920, Mabel Robbins, widow of County Clerk and Recorder Fred Robbins, moved here with her family, taking in boarders to supplement her income. Today the appearance of this well-maintained home remains almost unchanged, a charming illustration of eclectic turn-of-the-twentieth-century taste.


Daniel T. Goff Home
Daniel T. Goff Home Daniel T. Goff Home (PAc 91-51 Hamilton R12 F24). Front to side view of the house, facing northwest on North 5th Street. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office from the Photograph Archives at the Montana Historical Society Creator: Photographer unidentified Date: Aug. 1987


115 North 5th Street, Hamiliton, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “Daniel T. Goff Home,” Historic Montana, accessed September 18, 2024,